The7 – everything you need to build an excellent website. Quickly. Without touching a line of code.

Morbi augue dui, bibendum quis euismod sit amet, tincidunt id dui. Integer auctor turpis vel orci blandit sit amet bibendum felis varius. Proin tellus mi, eleifend non venenatis sit amet, ullamcorper at ligula. Nunc molestie dolor nec magna fermentum in pharetra sitios amet null vitae lacus et vulputate nante vitae ipsum massa sed turpis lorem eleifend id fomir.

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This theme has everything you need to create cool landing pages & one-page websites.

  • Fullscreen slideshows
  • Colored content stripes
  • Ancor navigation
  • Custom responsiveness settings
  • Counters & progress bars
  • Cool animation effects
  • Powerful pricing tables
  • Various links & buttons
  • Custom responsiveness settings
  • Tons of ready-made page templates



Active Users




The7 is modern, powerful & easy to use WordPress theme.
It will become a reliable foundation for your next website!

[dt_benefits_vc column_width=”200″ columns_number=”2″ style=”2″ image_background_border=”custom” image_background_border_radius=”100″ image_background_size=”40″ image_background_paint=”accent” image_hover_background_paint=”accent” icons_size=”20″ icons_paint=”custom” icons_hover_paint=”custom” icons_hover_color=”#ffffff” number=”6″ animation=”bounceIn” category=”with-captions”]



Thousands of customers. 5 star rating. Hundreds of positive feedbacks.
Check out what buyers are saying about The7 and why they love it so much.

Lorem ipsum nec magna orci mollis sit amet odio eu amet mauris ornare dapibus. Morbi pellen tesque vehicula nisi. Nam enim felis apibus egetras consec tetur augue emassa auctort id glavico to amet molestie lorem pulvinar odio eulos amet mauris ornare dapibus.

Diana Richardsmanager

Dolor cursus, enim et libero molestie ante, ut fringilla purus eros quis ipsum. Aliquam bibendum, est a semper enim et luctus hendre ritnisl libero molestie lectus. Cras justo non justo venenatis element.

Anna Whiteloyal client

Lorem enim et luctus ut fringilla purus eros quis ipsum. Aliquam bibendum, est a semper malesuada enim et luctus hendre ritnisl libero molestie lectus. Cras justo non justo element sed dui metus. Ut lobortis nisl at semper tellus tincidunt lorem.

Jacob Firebirdhappy client

Mauris id vestibulum massa elis nisl, tincidunt eget volutpat quis, porta sit amet est. Pellen tesque solli citudin velit vel molestie.

George Greenweb designer

Lorem asuis et aliquet mi. Morbi ac felis quis enim rhoncus venenatis. Praesent pellen tesque a arcu ut eleifend. Nam ac velit quis ante varius placerat.

Stefan Sweethappy client

Vursus, enim et luctus hendre. Cras justo non justo venenatis element sed dui metus. Ut lobortis nisl at semper tellus tincida lorem ipsum dolor amet.

Miriam Orangephotographer

Lorem ipsum nec magna fermentum in pharetra orci mollis sit amet odio eu amet mauris ornare dapibus. Morbi pellen tesque vehicula nisi.

Alex Violethappy customer

Yopsum nec magna fermentum in pharetra orci mollis sit amet odio eu amet mauris ornare dapibus. Morbi pellen tesque vehicula nisi. Nam enim felis apibus egetras consec tetur augue emassa auctort id glavico to amet molestie lorem pulvinar odio eulos amet mauris ornare dapibus.

Tiffany Vanillaprogrammer

Glavrida aliquet miac felis quis rhoncus venenatis. Praesent pellent for esque a arcu ut eleifend. Nam ac velit quis ante dolor for varius.

Alex Yellowphotographer


Embed videos or images with video hovers easily using “Fancy media” shortcode or Slider Revolution.

Integer auctor turpis vel orci blandit sit amet bibendum felis varius. Proin tellus mi, eleifend non venenatis sit amet, ullamcorper at ligula. Nunc molestie dolor nec magna fermentum.

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